In all seriousness? Because there are currently over 50 images in just this version and my basically minimum wage job isn't going to be able to pay for anywhere near that many through commissions and the like.
I fully understand the concerns with AI, I really do. But I had a game inside my head that I wanted to create and while I'm able to vaguely wrap my mind around coding stuff, drawing stuff is another matter.
Create an allure potion but don't bottle it, instead choose to add the bark you now have your base
I think you then use amethyst , marble and slime to create it. You then go to the pit and can charge it using different ingredients (that bits really easy you'll be fine)
Do you have the stone? It could also maybe be that you don't have any of the materials to charge it. Maybe go and collect some resources and see what happens
How do I make a homunculus I used the alluring potion as a base and used the bark so I'm just confused on what to do like how many do I need to dump into the pit?
Explore all recipes through journal, create magic scryer according the recipe. Then create homuncullus stone through firstly creating alluring potion and adding it as base when you on the page where you can put potion in bottles or empty to pit. then create it with alluring base via recipe on journal. Then go to pit and choose homuncullus.
I think the casual encounters on resource gathering routes and homunculus ones should be included in memories page. Also may you consider adding a beach location with some encounters and the "deep waters" with Naga encounters. I can also think about maybe adding third layer of caves getting it deeper into the world where there will be some kind of magmoid dudes that could make fire resist potion value :D. The game overall is interesting and I hope for further development
So idk how to get the red leaf thats preventing me from making healing potions also how do i make the humunculous? Im trying to do all the steps but the greenbark park confuses me
im confused as to how I'm supposed to get the Alo'Eth scene. I can't find any makers cluing me that it's available and im certain I've found all the currently available potions. can I get a clue for it?
If you've made the scryer and a homunculus stone then the game should direct you towards the Pit. From there it will either tell you you need to dump more into the Pit, or show you what you need as greyed out links.
hi l like your game. I had one problem it was finding your game again because the file name was Mina 0.2.1 when I downloaded the game and your game was listed as Alchemist Mina on itch. I hope you fix this simple problem so players can find your game again. Hope you have a wonderful day. ;)
This art is seriously amazing! I also use invokeai for some projects I am working on. Do you mind me asking which modules you used? I'm struggling keeping a template character for my images.
Thank you so much! I was using wai-ani and hardcore pony v11 but not getting the results I wanted, even after extensive canvas! As one dev to another I salute you!
Thank you for making this game. This was the game that hit me the most in the last few months. This is the first time I've come across a game where I liked every aspect of it so much. It was great.
thanks for the fast fix, it is really good that it was an event flag error, could i know what it was? i know how hard these fixes can be so i wanted to know if it something like an event flag order problem, it was set wrong, or some janky thing that needs to appease the "programming deities".
The basic issue was that I made some changes to how the journal and unlocking pages in it works, from single variables for each hint to an array that tracks all the hints. I made these changes after I added the first search for Trueschist however and so that option was still trying to check for the old variable to show up.
i didn't pick up your phrasing but from what i understand you made an change in the code so you don't unlock something you shouldn't now so people aren't frustrated when they pick some late game recipe in the early game but because you put the Trueschist in the journal first it was searching for the old flag table that you removed and leading to the the events that needed that flag to don't find the flag in the table as the corresponding flag had stop processing?
Not quite. In previous versions when you found a hint in the library it would set a variable called like "marbleHint" to true. Then, in the Cave passage, there was a section checking to see if "marbleHint" was true and if it was, it would give you the option to search for some marbles.
Now when you find a hint it instead sets a part of an array to true instead. "hints[marble]" for example. The twine compiler didn't complain about it because the old variable technically still exists it's just no longer used.
How very funny i started playing just before the new update came out that's a first for me well back to the start i go to hunt for any new bugs introduced in the newer version (i shall return if i find anything)
Im up now and i have found a missing image [The third one] in the second Philia scene i have tried refreshing my tab make a new one and nothing fixed it so i can only assume its either WIP or bugged as of now
Ok i believe this is the last time bit of bugs to be found (for now) and this time i will compression them down a bit here so i don't chain forever.
Ok a easy one first the is donate to the Library there is a mishmash with the cost as the Librarian says 300 and Mina says 500 (i assume one was changed recently but not the other).
The second one is Beth scene when you go to her house for the First time without a Elasticity Elixir and leave time will pass (it didn't pass for anybody else only her).
The third one is that the Vine plant doesn't pass time sometimes when exploring and running in to them (i think it's when you find them with out the ability to harvest pollen) i could not repeat this (i think i confused time with stamina not going down)
Haha thank you so much! I really appreciate your efforts.
You're right about the library donation. I'd forgotten there's a part where Mina says the number as text. I'll fix that up for the next version. I'll also fix up that Beth interaction as well so that it doesn't advance time like the others.
As for the vine plant, any time you click the Explore the Forest button time should always advance one step. If you don't actually interact with the vines when you come across them however, you won't lose any stamina.
Looks very good so far. The writing is nice. The potion making system is very intuitive and polished, and I have some experience making potion systems in Twine. I'm excited to see where this goes!
Thank you so much! I've never come across your own game before now and I've been having some fun with it as well! Having the journal accessible from the sidebar is a great idea, I might have to try something similiar haha
(extra lines to spoiler it for those who want to figure it out themself)
1. Use Allure Potion on Vine 2. Use Allure Potion on Vine after... either increasing Lewd rating or unlocking Elasticity Elixer (not sure what unlocked the alternate scene) 3. Use Allure Potion on Slime 4. Use Allure Potion on Slime after... either increasing Lewd rating or unlocking Elasticity Elixer (not sure what unlocked the alternate scene) 5. Talk about Allure Potion with Philia (the goblin), come back at Night 6. Talk about Elasticity Elixer with Jessica (the merchant), come back at Night 7. Talk about Elasticity Elixer with Beth (the minotaur), come back at Night
The four Slime and Vine each have alternate versions for doing them again. The Philia/Jessica/Beth scenes clearly are intended to have alternate versions as well, but those presumably aren't made yet.
Haven't found any way to do anything with Alo'Eth (the drow librarian); I would guess that will require something found in the First Wing of the library, which hasn't been made yet.
Haha, how diligent! Nice work on finding them all!
You're half right about the second vine scene. It both has a Lewd requirement and also you had to have tested out the Allure Potion at least once. Either with the slime or with Philia. Second slime scene is indeed based on the Lewd skill.
As for the scenes with Mina's friends, they won't have repeatable alternative scenes like the creatures do. More so you'll use their night time locations to access new scenes as I add them/they're unlocked. Just as a little teaser, the next version will have Philia's second scene. Alo'Eth on the other hand won't get any scenes until a particular potion with a particular effect is added to the game. You're right that you'll get the hints for that in the first wing!
there isnt an option to use the allure potion? i have checked the all available locations, made the allure potion, and tried to get the slime, but there doesn't seem to be a way
edit: nevermind, i had spammed the public library, but somehow never got the tome for the slime jelly collection. Just unlucky i guess
i have played again, apart from not finding the recipe for the allure potion anywhere, after i found it with trial and error, the slime scene is really good
The hint for the allure potion recipe is in the same entry that talks about how to get the vine sap, in the last paragraph. I'll have to consider doing something to make the hints a little more noticeable I think, maybe emphasize relevant text in some way.
yeah, i put together that you needed the vine sap, but had to brute force my way for all the other ingredients. i can't wait to see what new stuff will be added though. its very promising so far
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Is there a way to support you ? love the concept and you got me on the hook where this goes^
how do i charge the homunculs stone?
You need the Magic Scryer and when you go to the pit it tells you how many potions you need to dum
hey very good game, do you know when the next update will be?
I'm gradually chipping away at it! Most of the groundwork is in place, now I just gotta actually write and make the images for the new scenes.
Can't really give an estimate on when it'll be done though sorry. Shouldn't be too long I hope!
I love this game, thank you
why this gotta be ai bruh
In all seriousness? Because there are currently over 50 images in just this version and my basically minimum wage job isn't going to be able to pay for anywhere near that many through commissions and the like.
I fully understand the concerns with AI, I really do. But I had a game inside my head that I wanted to create and while I'm able to vaguely wrap my mind around coding stuff, drawing stuff is another matter.
Love your game. Regardless of methods used, I look forward to seeing you realize your vision
i might just be the most dense person on here, but can anyone give a step by step on how to create a homunculus, love the rest of the game
Get the bark (green something? Bark)
Create an allure potion but don't bottle it, instead choose to add the bark you now have your base
I think you then use amethyst , marble and slime to create it. You then go to the pit and can charge it using different ingredients (that bits really easy you'll be fine)
Am stuck there it doesn't show any option to charge anything its just a pit what shoild i do
Do you have the stone? It could also maybe be that you don't have any of the materials to charge it. Maybe go and collect some resources and see what happens
first of all: thank you for the very fast response.
it really took me way too long to see that the base is under the "medium" category. thanks a lot
I think you also need to have the Magic Scryer in order to see how close the pit is to being able to charge your stone.
Thank you for this it took me so long to find out how to do this!
How do you make a health potion?
Check journal for recipes, they are added when you explore library wings
How do I make a homunculus I used the alluring potion as a base and used the bark so I'm just confused on what to do like how many do I need to dump into the pit?
On the mobile version in the library whe you go to the first wing im getting an error for research magical creatures idk whats happening
i still dont get it to create the Homunculus Stone.
edit just need to make alluring potion and dump it to pit
Explore all recipes through journal, create magic scryer according the recipe. Then create homuncullus stone through firstly creating alluring potion and adding it as base when you on the page where you can put potion in bottles or empty to pit. then create it with alluring base via recipe on journal. Then go to pit and choose homuncullus.
I think the casual encounters on resource gathering routes and homunculus ones should be included in memories page. Also may you consider adding a beach location with some encounters and the "deep waters" with Naga encounters. I can also think about maybe adding third layer of caves getting it deeper into the world where there will be some kind of magmoid dudes that could make fire resist potion value :D. The game overall is interesting and I hope for further development
So idk how to get the red leaf thats preventing me from making healing potions also how do i make the humunculous? Im trying to do all the steps but the greenbark park confuses me
red leaf its ''forest herb''
Had same thing about greenbark stuff, try creating alluring potion and use the option that puts it on the cauldron or some stuff after the creation
Cute and fun game, keep it up!! :D
im confused as to how I'm supposed to get the Alo'Eth scene. I can't find any makers cluing me that it's available and im certain I've found all the currently available potions. can I get a clue for it?
You need the Estradi Potion to get the Alo'Eth scene.
If you have that and you're still not getting any markers let me know so I can go back over the triggers.
ah I don't have that potion yet. how would one acquire this potion?
The recipe for that one is found in the Rockbiter journal entry
got it. thanks!
what is the " other creatures " and how do I find them?
Android version?
I think i will be able to come back in some days, pc broke and mobile version isnt all that good,
I can't seem to be able to sell anything
I've put out a fix for this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience!
I didn't quite understand how to charge a homunculus:(
I threw the elixiers into the pit and nothing
Did you make the Magic Scryer?
I have the scryer how do I use it?
If you've made the scryer and a homunculus stone then the game should direct you towards the Pit. From there it will either tell you you need to dump more into the Pit, or show you what you need as greyed out links.
how do I make the homunculus stone? also, for some reason it wont let me make the alluring potion a base
how to tell if youve seen everything?
The new version I'm putting out today tells you how many total scenes there are and how many you've found!
hi l like your game. I had one problem it was finding your game again because the file name was Mina 0.2.1 when I downloaded the game and your game was listed as Alchemist Mina on itch. I hope you fix this simple problem so players can find your game again. Hope you have a wonderful day. ;)
This art is seriously amazing! I also use invokeai for some projects I am working on. Do you mind me asking which modules you used? I'm struggling keeping a template character for my images.
The main model I use is 'NTR MIX | illustrious-XL | Noob-XL'
As for keeping consistent characters, that's mainly down to extremely heavy use of the canvas and regional guidance layers.
Thank you so much! I was using wai-ani and hardcore pony v11 but not getting the results I wanted, even after extensive canvas! As one dev to another I salute you!
Amazing work, played through all the content so far with no bugs and really enjoyed it.
As a femboy i must say that i love geek pervert looking girls, therefore i love your game
Please, help me, i dont understand how to make fire resistance potion
I can try! Can I ask what ingredients you're using?
Aw, you are far too kind! Thank you so much!
really fun, too bad it's so short right now
Are there any scenes with the rock biter or have i just reached the end of current content
No scenes with the rockbiter just yet! Working on that at the moment
thanks for the fast fix, it is really good that it was an event flag error, could i know what it was? i know how hard these fixes can be so i wanted to know if it something like an event flag order problem, it was set wrong, or some janky thing that needs to appease the "programming deities".
No worries at all!
The basic issue was that I made some changes to how the journal and unlocking pages in it works, from single variables for each hint to an array that tracks all the hints. I made these changes after I added the first search for Trueschist however and so that option was still trying to check for the old variable to show up.
i didn't pick up your phrasing but from what i understand you made an change in the code so you don't unlock something you shouldn't now so people aren't frustrated when they pick some late game recipe in the early game but because you put the Trueschist in the journal first it was searching for the old flag table that you removed and leading to the the events that needed that flag to don't find the flag in the table as the corresponding flag had stop processing?
what i'm most surprised is that the compiler didn't warn you of that as most compilers crashes when that happens or warn what happened
Not quite. In previous versions when you found a hint in the library it would set a variable called like "marbleHint" to true. Then, in the Cave passage, there was a section checking to see if "marbleHint" was true and if it was, it would give you the option to search for some marbles.
Now when you find a hint it instead sets a part of an array to true instead. "hints[marble]" for example. The twine compiler didn't complain about it because the old variable technically still exists it's just no longer used.
ooh now i understand thanks
How very funny i started playing just before the new update came out that's a first for me well back to the start i go to hunt for any new bugs introduced in the newer version (i shall return if i find anything)
Im up now and i have found a missing image [The third one] in the second Philia scene i have tried refreshing my tab make a new one and nothing fixed it so i can only assume its either WIP or bugged as of now
This was a bug, yes! It should be fixed now.
Ya it was (im getting outpace for once)
Anyways a small thing i have noticed is there's a > below the first picture in the second slime scene [Slime Ride]
Ok i believe this is the last time bit of bugs to be found (for now) and this time i will compression them down a bit here so i don't chain forever.
Ok a easy one first the is donate to the Library there is a mishmash with the cost as the Librarian says 300 and Mina says 500 (i assume one was changed recently but not the other).
The second one is Beth scene when you go to her house for the First time without a Elasticity Elixir and leave time will pass (it didn't pass for anybody else only her).
The third one is that the Vine plant doesn't pass time sometimes when exploring and running in to them (i think it's when you find them with out the ability to harvest pollen)i could not repeat this (i think i confused time with stamina not going down)Haha thank you so much! I really appreciate your efforts.
You're right about the library donation. I'd forgotten there's a part where Mina says the number as text. I'll fix that up for the next version. I'll also fix up that Beth interaction as well so that it doesn't advance time like the others.
As for the vine plant, any time you click the Explore the Forest button time should always advance one step. If you don't actually interact with the vines when you come across them however, you won't lose any stamina.
Sorry for asking but im curious: is there vore?
Not planning to include any vore, sorry!
Looks very good so far. The writing is nice. The potion making system is very intuitive and polished, and I have some experience making potion systems in Twine. I'm excited to see where this goes!
Thank you so much! I've never come across your own game before now and I've been having some fun with it as well! Having the journal accessible from the sidebar is a great idea, I might have to try something similiar haha
It's very convenient! I'll be glad if you take any inspiration from the game, although it's really quite clunky and in need of a bit of a rework.
So far, there are 7 scenes that I could find:
(extra lines to spoiler it for those who want to figure it out themself)
1. Use Allure Potion on Vine
2. Use Allure Potion on Vine after... either increasing Lewd rating or unlocking Elasticity Elixer (not sure what unlocked the alternate scene)
3. Use Allure Potion on Slime
4. Use Allure Potion on Slime after... either increasing Lewd rating or unlocking Elasticity Elixer (not sure what unlocked the alternate scene)
5. Talk about Allure Potion with Philia (the goblin), come back at Night
6. Talk about Elasticity Elixer with Jessica (the merchant), come back at Night
7. Talk about Elasticity Elixer with Beth (the minotaur), come back at Night
The four Slime and Vine each have alternate versions for doing them again. The Philia/Jessica/Beth scenes clearly are intended to have alternate versions as well, but those presumably aren't made yet.
Haven't found any way to do anything with Alo'Eth (the drow librarian); I would guess that will require something found in the First Wing of the library, which hasn't been made yet.
Haha, how diligent! Nice work on finding them all!
You're half right about the second vine scene. It both has a Lewd requirement and also you had to have tested out the Allure Potion at least once. Either with the slime or with Philia. Second slime scene is indeed based on the Lewd skill.
As for the scenes with Mina's friends, they won't have repeatable alternative scenes like the creatures do. More so you'll use their night time locations to access new scenes as I add them/they're unlocked. Just as a little teaser, the next version will have Philia's second scene. Alo'Eth on the other hand won't get any scenes until a particular potion with a particular effect is added to the game. You're right that you'll get the hints for that in the first wing!
What software did you use for the images
I use invokeai
Is very good!
Artwork is nice, gameplay is simple. I like!
Thank you so much!
getting the following errors when collecting Slime Jelly:
Error: <<calculateBonus>>: error within widget code (Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: State.variables.skills[State.temporary.args[0]] is undefined)
Error: macro <<pick>> does not exist
<<pick $player.reagents "Slime Jelly" _jellyFound>>
Thanks for this! I've put out a bug fix update that fixes this and another thing I didn't catch earlier
there isnt an option to use the allure potion? i have checked the all available locations, made the allure potion, and tried to get the slime, but there doesn't seem to be a way
edit: nevermind, i had spammed the public library, but somehow never got the tome for the slime jelly collection. Just unlucky i guess
Currently there's a 1 in 8 chance of finding something useful at the library. I may have to tweak that in future, we'll see.
There will also be more uses of the allure potion. The next scene I've got planned will be one of them, probably.
How do i get the allure potion? mixing the pollen with the mushroom or the herb producess goop and nowhere i looked is there a fourth reagent.
make sure to swap the water out for vine sap
I don't get the option to collect sap, despite having an empty bottle available
The scene I guess assumes the plant has already had Allure potion applied to it, despite me not having been able to craft the Allure potion yet.
Ah, damn, sorry about that! I'll put out a minor update that should fix it.
It's fixed, thank you! It's a great game!
i cant get the allure potion for the slime, i presume you need pollen for it, and it says
Error: <<calculateBonus>>: error within widget code (Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'level'))
whenever i try to get pollen, and the slime encounter is messed up
Ah damn sorry I didn't catch those. Both issues should now be fixed!
i have played again, apart from not finding the recipe for the allure potion anywhere, after i found it with trial and error, the slime scene is really good
The hint for the allure potion recipe is in the same entry that talks about how to get the vine sap, in the last paragraph. I'll have to consider doing something to make the hints a little more noticeable I think, maybe emphasize relevant text in some way.
And thank you!
yeah, i put together that you needed the vine sap, but had to brute force my way for all the other ingredients. i can't wait to see what new stuff will be added though. its very promising so far